by year:

The Club runs both internal and Open competitions for players during the course of the season. (See Matches for team competitions between clubs.)

Type Date Competition Winner(s)  
ACswissnational Sat 27 Apr AC Charity One-Ball John Bee
ACopen Wed 15 May -
Thu 16 May
Open AC Midweek Advanced Bryan Harral
ACopen Sat 15 Jun Open AC One-Day Andrew Willis, Heather Bennett
ACopen Wed 24 Jul -
Thu 25 Jul
Open AC Midweek B-Level Advanced  
AC Thu 22 Aug AC One-Day Doubles  
AC Sat 7 Sep AC One-Day  
ACswiss Sat 21 Sep AC One-Ball  
ACblocks   AC Level Advanced  
ACKOmulti   AC B-Level Advanced  
ACKOmulti   AC Handicap *    
ACKOnational   AC All England Handicap *  
ACblocks   AC High Handicap  
GCswiss Sun 21 Apr GC Progressive Doubles Geoff Johnson, Paul Lakra
GCopen Fri 26 Apr Open GC C-Level John Hutchinson, Roger Booth
GCopen Mon 6 May Open GC B-Level Peter Tofield
GCopen Sun 9 Jun Open GC Handicap Doubles Kim Taylor & Colin Carver
GCswiss Tue 25 Jun GC One-Day Singles Ron Hibbs
GCopen Sat 29 Jun -
Sun 30 Jun
Open GC A-level Geoff Johnson, Kim Taylor
GCopen Sun 21 Jul EACF GC Club Champions Tournament  
GCopen Sat 31 Aug -
Sun 1 Sep
Open GC  
GC Sun 15 Sep GC Progressive Doubles  
GCblocks   GC Level Play  
GCblocks   GC Handicap Singles  
GCKOnational   GC All England Handicap Geoff Johnson
GCKOmulti   GC Handicap Doubles  
GCblocks   GC Intermediate Handicap  
GCblocks   GC High Handicap  
GCblocks   GC Grass Roots  

* The winner of the All England Handicap qualifying competition is a semi-finalist in the Handicap knock-out.

AC Association Croquet
GC Golf Croquet
National National Croquet Association tournament.
Tournament Open tournament. Format: see published details.
Tournament Internal club tournament. Format: American (all-play-all) blocks. May include knock-out finals.
Swiss Internal club tournament. Format: Swiss or flexible Swiss.
KO Internal club tournament. Format: standard knock-out.
KO Internal club tournament. Format: multi-life knock-out.
national Internal club qualifying competition for a national tournament. The winners of these internal competitions proceed to the Area and National finals.
Where no date is shown the competition takes place over the course of the whole season.