The Golf Croquet
Intermediate Handicap

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GC Golf Croquet

A handicap competition for players in the GC Handicap range 4 to 8 at the start of the season.

This year all GC competition handicap games will again be played to ADVANTAGE rules in order to align with Croquet England policy.

Contests will be played as single first-to-7 hoop games using current handicaps on the day the game is played.

All block games should be played by [date tba].

The winner will be decided first by the number of games won, then by the number of wins against those tied, followed by the net points difference in all games played.

Results of the matches will be updated here from time to time. They are also shown on the notice-board in the club hut.

The Semi-Finals and Final to be played as the best of 3 games.

All results must be entered on your Golf Croquet handicap card.

GC Intermediate Handicap
Tournament by year:
Name H'cap
André Machell 5
John Bee 5
Steve Dennis 5
Robert Bateson 8
Ron Hibbs 9
Clive Fenton 9
Cengiz Kaya 11