Apart from club sessions, courts may be booked in advance, click
. Please note that these bookings are on a separate website. They can be viewed without a login,
but require a separate login in order to make or edit a booking.
If you don't have a username and password for this please ask Simon Hathrell.
Golf Croquet Level Play
The GC Level Play Trophy
Click for enlargement
Golf Croquet
Matches will be played as 13 hoop games of level play. Format tba.
The winners of each block will progress to the semi-finals.
Block games will be single games, while the semi-final and final will be played as the best of three games.
All block games should be played by [date tba].
The winner of each block will be decided first by the number of games won, then by the net points difference
in all games played, followed by the number of wins against those tied.
The SF and Final to be played as the best of 3 games.
Results of the matches will be updated here from time to time.
They are also shown on the notice-board in the club hut.
All results must be entered on your Golf Croquet handicap card.