Watford (Cassiobury) Croquet Club is charity number 1185646 registered with the Charity Commission for England & Wales. The purpose of the Club is the promotion of community participation in healthy recreation in Watford and the surrounding area by providing facilities to participate in the sport of amateur croquet at all levels.

Gift Aid

As a charity, the club welcomes donations from anyone wishing to support this objective. Furthermore, the club can obtain a further 25% from HM Revenue & Customs on donations made by those paying UK income tax if the donor makes a simple Gift Aid declaration. Those paying UK income tax at the higher rate can also reduce their own income tax liability by declaring the donation in their tax return to HMRC.


As a further benefit, any donations to the Club which are made as a legacy in a person's Will are excluded from the valuation of that person's estate for Inheritance Tax purposes. And if the aggregate value of all charitable donations in the Will, including any to the Club, exceeds 10% of the estate's value then the rate of any Inheritance Tax payable on the taxable amount is also reduced from 40% to 36%.

Please note that these tax arrangements depend on UK government policy, and although they have remained the same for many years they could change.

How to donate

Donations to the Club made be made in several ways:

Any completed Gift Aid declarations can be provided on paper, or scanned or photographed and sent by email to the Treasurer.

Contact details for the Treasurer and other Trustees are available on the Contacts page.


A big THANK YOU to all donors!