Results Summary:

29 Apr 2024 Leighton Linslade Home WON 11 - 7
6 Jun 2024 Meldreth Home DREW 9 - 9
28 Jun 2024 Letchworth Away WON 11 - 7
15 Jul 2024 Wrest Park Home DREW 9 - 9
21 Aug 2024 Northampton Home WON 11 - 7
  Final place: Runner-up
26 May 2023 Wrest Park Away WON 12 - 6
29 Jun 2023 Letchworth Home WON 12 - 6
21 Jul 2023 Leighton Linslade Home LOST 6 - 12
18 Aug 2023 Northampton Away WON 11 - 7
  Final place: Runner-up
8 May 2022 Letchworth Home WON 11 - 9
17 Jun 2022 Northampton Home WON 16 - 2
24 Jun 2022 Enfield Away LOST 8 - 12
5 Aug 2022 Wrest Park Home WON 12 - 8
19 Aug 2022 Leighton Linslade Away LOST 5 - 13
  Final place: 3rd
17 May 2021 Leighton Linslade Home WON 14 - 4
10 Jun 2021 Wrest Park Away LOST 6 - 12
13 Jul 2021 Letchworth Away LOST 7 - 11
2021 Enfield Home Conceded  
  Final place: 4th
Totals: All
H - A - ?
P - W - D - L
P - W - L
  18 11 - 7 - 0 17 - 10 - 2 - 5 312 - 171 - 141

*Note: the totals for Matches Played - Won - Drew - Lost exclude any walkovers, and the totals for Games Played - Won - Lost exclude any games where the match result is known but the match score is unknown.