AC Association Croquet

Friendly Friendly matches against other clubs are arranged from time to time during the course of the season, typically against clubs outside the East Anglian region. The number of participants and the format of play may vary.

Friendly matches played as part of the AC Tour are shown separately.

Fixtures contact: Simon Hathrell

Friendly AC match results by year:

Click on images to view full-screen
Date Opponents Venue Results (Watford names first)
Wed 12 Jun Cambridge University Home

WON 5-3

All games: =(Net index points: -10)
Simon Hathrell (-1) &
Robin Barry (12)
lost to *Nick Archer (1½) &
James Faulkner
Geoff Johnson (3) &
David Robinson (10)
beat Jack Sydenham &
Jerome Gasson (14)
André Machell (5) &
Mike Stansfield (8)
lost to Dan Heathcote (11) &
Ben Risebrow (12)
Nick Archer (1½) &
Geoff Johnson (3)
beat Dan Heathcote (11) &
André Machell (5) beat Ben Risebrow (12) +18
David Robinson (10) lost to Jerome Gasson (14) -11T
John Moore (11) beat James Faulkner +14
Robin Barry (12) beat Jack Sydenham +9

*On loan. Advanced rules with mandatory peels for Watford. Double vs single* played ASD.

Statistics (Watford players)
Name Singles
Geoff Johnson0-02-02-0
John Moore1-00-01-0
Nick Archer0-01-01-0
Robin Barry1-00-11-1
André Machell1-00-11-1
David Robinson0-11-01-1
Simon Hathrell0-00-10-1
Mike Stansfield0-00-10-1
= Level Advanced

See also: