The B-Level Advanced

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AC Association Croquet

Minimum handicap: 2 (at the start of the season)

All matches will be 26pt games played level to Advanced rules, preferably untimed, otherwise to a time limit agreed between the players (minimum 2.5 hours; 3.5 hours if no agreement).

Both players in each match are responsible for contacting their opponent to arrange the match.

Results of the matches will be updated here from time to time. They are also shown on the notice-board in the club hut.

Players must enter results on their handicap cards.

B-Level Advanced Tournament
by year:

See also: Past winners
Name H'cap
Nick Archer
Stephen Mills
Gary Bennett
Geoff Johnson 3
Alan Clark
Jonathan Lambton
Arthur Reed 4
John Smallbone
André Machell 5
Adam Huby 9