AC Association Croquet

This is a 1-day internal club AC doubles tournament. The tournament format and number of hoops in each game will depend on the size of the entry, but the intention is that it should be suitable for all club members and is therefore likely to involve some form of handicap play, and if the entry is large enough then quite possibly shortened games in order to permit several rounds.

Being doubles, the results of games do NOT count for handicap cards.

AC One-Day Doubles
results by year:

Title: One-Day AC Doubles Tournament
Handicaps: AC: any
Capacity: 32Entries so far: 3
Date: Wednesday 20 August (provisional)
Manager: Simon Hathrell
Format: One all-play-all block, 22pt handicap games with a 2½-hour time limit.


  1. Play starts at 09:30, and entrants should expect to play until at least 6pm.
  2. Tea, soft drinks and biscuits are provided free of charge, but please bring your own lunch.
  3. Parking will be available on the grass near to the courts.
  4. Tie-breakers, in order (subject to format):
    1. Wins vs. those tied.
    2. Wins within time.
    3. A 2-ball break challenge.
  5. Whites are optional (but the manager thinks they look nice).

Name H'cap
Mike Stansfield &
Stephen Mills
André Machell 5
Click on image for an enlargement