Results Summary:

18 May 2024 1st Hurlingham Home LOST 3 - 4
24 May 2023 1st Nottingham Away LOST 0 - 7
27 May 2022 1st Enfield Away WON 4 - 3
6 Jul 2022 2nd Nottingham Home WON 5 - 2
6 Aug 2022 Quarter-final High Wycombe Home LOST 1 - 6
2 Jun 2021 1st Newport Home WON 5 - 2
6 Jul 2021 2nd Letchworth Away LOST 3 - 4
2020 1st bye    
2020 2nd tba tba    
6 May 2019 1st Wrest Park Away LOST 3 - 4
23 May 2018 1st Letchworth Home LOST 3 - 4
18 May 2017 1st Wrest Park Home LOST 2 - 5
1 Jun 2016 1st Letchworth Away LOST 3 - 4
28 Jun 2015 1st Shrewsbury Cheltenham WON 7 - 0
15 Jul 2015 2nd Bristol Home WON 5 - 2
2 Sep 2015 Quarter-final Colchester Away WON 5 - 2
3 Oct 2015 Semi-final Bowdon Surbiton WON 6 - 1
4 Oct 2015 Final Reigate Priory Surbiton LOST 2 - 5
22 Jun 2014 1st Nottingham Away WON 4 - 3
30 Jul 2014 2nd Letchworth Home WON 5 - 2
25 Aug 2014 Quarter-final Enfield Home LOST 2 - 4
2013 Preliminary bye    
26 Jun 2013 1st Parsons Green Away WON 5 - 2
3 Aug 2013 2nd Colchester Home WON 5 - 2
8 Sep 2013 Quarter-final Enfield Away LOST 2 - 5
2012 Preliminary bye    
2012 1st Harwell Home Walk-over  
2 Aug 2012 2nd Compton Away WON 4 - 3
8 Sep 2012 Quarter-final East Dorset Home WON 4 - 3
6 Oct 2012 Semi-final Chester Surbiton WON 4 - 3
7 Oct 2012 Final Roehampton Surbiton LOST 3 - 4
4 Jun 2011 Preliminary Reigate Priory Home WON 4 - 3
29 Jun 2011 1st Medway Home WON 5 - 2
30 Jul 2011 2nd Guildford & Godalming Away LOST 3 - 4
12 Jun 2010 Preliminary Surbiton Home WON 5 - 2
2010 1st Norwich Home Walk-over  
28 Jul 2010 2nd Roehampton Home WON 5 - 2
11 Sep 2010 Quarter-final Parsons Green Home LOST 3 - 4
2009 1st bye    
13 Jun 2009 2nd Wrest Park Away LOST 3 - 4
2008 1st bye    
29 Jun 2008 2nd Colchester Away LOST 0 - 7
2007 1st bye    
27 Jun 2007 2nd Hurlingham Away WON 5 - 2
21 Jul 2007 3rd Colchester Home WON 4 - 3
2 Sep 2007 Quarter-final Norwich Away LOST 3 - 4
10 Jun 2006 1st Roehampton Away WON 5 - 2
9 Jul 2006 2nd Norwich Home LOST 3 - 4
2005 1st bye    
5 Jun 2005 2nd Hurlingham Home WON 5 - 2
7 Aug 2005 3rd Letchworth Away WON 4 - 3
24 Sep 2005 Quarter-final Newport Away LOST 3 - 4
2004 1st bye    
27 Jun 2004 2nd Norwich Away WON 5 - 2
8 Aug 2004 3rd Letchworth Home WON 6 - 1
22 Aug 2004 Quarter-final Colchester Away LOST 2 - 5
2003 1st bye    
1 Jun 2003 2nd Newport Home WON 4 - 3
29 Jun 2003 3rd Norwich Home WON 4 - 3
21 Sep 2003 Quarter-final Northampton Home WON 4 - 3
2003 Semi-final East Dorset Cheltenham WON 4 - 3
2003 Final Nottingham Cheltenham LOST 3 - 4
2002 1st bye    
9 Jun 2002 2nd Nottingham Home WON 4 - 3
16 Aug 2002 3rd St. Albans Home LOST 3 - 4
2001 1st Roehampton Home WON 6 - 1
2001 2nd Sussex County Away WON 6 - 1
2001 3rd Compton Home WON 5 - 2
2001 Quarter-final Parsons Green Away WON 5 - 2
2001 Semi-final Pendle & Craven Cheltenham WON 5 - 2
2001 Final Woking Cheltenham WON 6 - 1
2000 1st Harrow Oak Walk-over  
2000 2nd Parsons Green Home LOST 3 - 4
1999 1st Colchester Home LOST 2 - 3
1998 1st Northampton Away WON 3 - 2
1998 2nd Kenilworth Away WON 3 - 2
1998 3rd Letchworth Away WON 5 - 0
1998 Quarter-final Norwich Away LOST 1 - 4
1997 1st bye    
1997 2nd Letchworth Home WON 5 - 0
1997 3rd Northampton Home LOST ? - ?
1996 1st Newport Away LOST ? - ?
1995 1st Roehampton Away WON 3 - 2
1995 2nd Woking unknown WON 4 - 1
1995 3rd Compton Away LOST 2 - 3
1994 1st Dulwich unknown LOST 2 - 3
1993 did not participate
1992 did not participate
1991 did not participate
1990 1st bye    
1990 2nd Oxford University Walk-over  
1990 3rd Worcester Norton Conceded  
1989 did not participate
Totals:   All
H - A - ?
P - W - L
P - W - L
    73 33 - 38 - 2 71 - 42 - 29 462 - 260 - 202

*Note: the totals for Matches Played - Won - Lost exclude any walkovers, and the totals for Games Played - Won - Lost exclude any games where the match result is known but the match score is unknown.