AC Association Croquet

This Tournament is an informal one-day Association Croquet singles competition held at Watford. It is primarily for club members and is not in the CA calendar, but there may be a few players invited from other nearby clubs in order to make the numbers up.

AC One-Day Tournament
results by year:

Title: Late Summer One-Day AC Tournament
Handicaps: AC: any
Capacity: 16Entries so far: 5
Date: Saturday 7 September
Entries: Non-members may be invited from 4 weeks before the tournament to make up numbers.
Entry fee: £5 (cash on the day)
Manager: Simon Hathrell
Format: Swiss, 4 rounds provisional, may be revised subject to the final entry size.
18-point games (variant 51.2.3 in the Laws book, 7th edition), 2-hour time-limit per game.
Mixed formats: Level Advanced, Handicap Advanced or simple Handicap, with the higher handicap player choosing in each game.


  1. Play starts at 09:30, and entrants should expect to play until 6pm.
  2. Tea, soft drinks and biscuits are provided free of charge, but please bring your own lunch.
  3. Winner: the player with the most wins. Tie-breakers, in order:
    1. Wins vs. those tied if they have all played each other, otherwise 'matchpoints' (see the CA tournament regulations).
    2. Net index point gain (so wins played level against a stronger opponent count for more than handicap wins).
    3. "Quality of wins" (i.e. number of wins scored by defeated opponents).
    4. Wins within time.
  4. There will also be a consolation prize for the player, other than the winner, with the largest net index point gain.
  5. Whites are optional (but the manager thinks they look nice).

Name Club H'cap
James Brind Newport 0
Gary Bennett Watford
Geoff Johnson Watford 3
Arthur Reed Watford
John Smallbone Watford