GC Golf Croquet


Fixtures contact: Kevin Connolly

Watford is entering the EACF GC B-Level League for the second time in 2022.

League tables by year:
Watford match results by year:

All games: = Level Play
Date Opponents Venue Results (Watford names & scores first)Final place: 3rd
Sun 8 May Letchworth Home

WON 11-9 [hoops: 117 - 104]

(Net index points: +35)
Kevin Connolly (3) &
André Machell (4)
lost to David Clancey (4) &
John Hall (5)
Steve Dennis (3) &
Anne Dennis (9)
lost to Colin Davies (3) &
Colin Gregory (6)
Steve Dennis (3) lost to Colin Davies (3) 2-7
Kevin Connolly (3) beat David Clancey (4) 7-2
André Machell (4) beat John Hall (5) 7-3
Anne Dennis (9) beat Colin Gregory (6) 7-3
Steve Dennis (3) beat David Clancey (4) 7-4
Kevin Connolly (3) lost to Colin Davies (3) 5-7
André Machell (4) lost to Colin Gregory (6) 6-7
Anne Dennis (9) beat John Hall (5) 7-3
Steve Dennis (3) lost to John Hall (5) 5-7
Kevin Connolly (3) beat Colin Gregory (6) 7-2
André Machell (4) lost to Colin Davies (3) 1-7
Anne Dennis (9) beat David Clancey (4) 7-6
Steve Dennis (3) beat Colin Gregory (6) 7-3
Kevin Connolly (3) beat John Hall (5) 7-4
André Machell (4) beat David Clancey (4) 7-5
Anne Dennis (9) lost to Colin Davies (3) 5-7
Kevin Connolly (3) &
André Machell (4)
beat Colin Davies (3) &
Colin Gregory (6)
Steve Dennis (3) &
Anne Dennis (9)
lost to David Clancey (4) &
John Hall (5)

Handicap change: Anne Dennis 9 to 8
Fri 17 Jun Northampton Home

WON 16-2 [hoops: 123 - 75]

(Net index points: +76)
Kevin Connolly (3) &
Stephen Webb (6)
beat Ann Udall (6) &
Archie Brown (7)
George Skinner (3) &
Eddie Chung (7)
beat Martyn Palmer (5) &
Diana Dunckley (7)
George Skinner (3) lost to Martyn Palmer (5) 5-7
Kevin Connolly (3) beat Ann Udall (6) 7-6
Stephen Webb (6) beat Archie Brown (7) 7-3
Eddie Chung (7) beat Diana Dunckley (7) 7-4
George Skinner (3) beat Ann Udall (6) 7-2
Kevin Connolly (3) beat Martyn Palmer (5) 7-4
Stephen Webb (6) beat Diana Dunckley (7) 7-6
Eddie Chung (7) beat Archie Brown (7) 7-2
George Skinner (3) beat Archie Brown (7) 7-4
Kevin Connolly (3) beat Diana Dunckley (7) 7-4
Stephen Webb (6) beat Martyn Palmer (5) 7-5
Eddie Chung (7) lost to Ann Udall (6) 6-7
George Skinner (3) beat Diana Dunckley (7) 7-2
Kevin Connolly (3) beat Archie Brown (7) 7-2
Stephen Webb (6) beat Ann Udall (6) 7-2
Eddie Chung (7) beat Martyn Palmer (5) 7-5
Fri 24 Jun Enfield Away

LOST 8-12 [hoops: 89 - 113]

(Net index points: -2)
Steve Dennis (4) &
Larry Fisher (7)
beat Brian Dawes (3) &
Ian Moore (6)
Kevin Connolly (3) &
Ron Hibbs (7)
lost to Thomas Halliday (2) &
Graham Curtis (7)
Kevin Connolly (3) lost to Thomas Halliday (2) 3-7
Steve Dennis (4) lost to Brian Dawes (3) 2-7
Larry Fisher (7) lost to Ian Moore (6) 5-7
Ron Hibbs (7) lost to Graham Curtis (7) 4-7
Kevin Connolly (3) beat Brian Dawes (3) 7-5
Steve Dennis (4) beat Thomas Halliday (2) 7-4
Larry Fisher (7) lost to Graham Curtis (7) 3-7
Ron Hibbs (7) lost to Ian Moore (6) 4-7
Kevin Connolly (3) beat Ian Moore (6) 7-2
Steve Dennis (4) lost to Graham Curtis (7) 3-7
Larry Fisher (7) lost to Thomas Halliday (2) 2-7
Ron Hibbs (7) lost to Brian Dawes (3) 0-7
Kevin Connolly (3) beat Graham Curtis (7) 7-3
Steve Dennis (4) beat Ian Moore (6) 7-3
Larry Fisher (7) beat Brian Dawes (3) 7-5
Ron Hibbs (7) beat Thomas Halliday (2) 7-5
Steve Dennis (4) &
Larry Fisher (7)
lost to Thomas Halliday (2) &
Graham Curtis (7)
Kevin Connolly (3) &
Ron Hibbs (7)
lost to Brian Dawes (3) &
Ian Moore (6)
Fri 5 Aug Wrest Park Home

WON 12-8 [hoops: 116 - 106]

(Net index points: +9)
Steve Dennis (4) &
Stephen Webb (5)
beat George Collin (3) &
Gill Brewer (7)
George Skinner (3) &
Larry Fisher (6)
lost to Terry Collis (3) &
Eddie Fisher (8)
George Skinner (3) lost to Terry Collis (3) 6-7
Steve Dennis (4) lost to George Collin (3) 3-7
Stephen Webb (5) beat Gill Brewer (7) 7-1
Larry Fisher (6) beat Eddie Fisher (8) 7-4
George Skinner (3) lost to George Collin (3) 5-7
Steve Dennis (4) beat Terry Collis (3) 7-5
Stephen Webb (5) beat Eddie Fisher (8) 7-6
Larry Fisher (6) lost to Gill Brewer (7) 3-7
George Skinner (3) beat Gill Brewer (7) 7-4
Steve Dennis (4) lost to Eddie Fisher (8) 4-7
Stephen Webb (5) lost to Terry Collis (3) 5-7
Larry Fisher (6) beat George Collin (3) 7-4
George Skinner (3) beat Eddie Fisher (8) 7-5
Steve Dennis (4) beat Gill Brewer (7) 7-4
Stephen Webb (5) lost to George Collin (3) 3-7
Larry Fisher (6) beat Terry Collis (3) 7-6
Steve Dennis (4) &
Stephen Webb (5)
beat Terry Collis (3) &
Eddie Fisher (8)
George Skinner (3) &
Larry Fisher (6)
beat George Collin (3) &
Gill Brewer (7)
Fri 19 Aug Leighton Linslade Away

LOST 5-13 [hoops: 84 - 114]

(Net index points: -52)
André Machell (4) &
Ron Hibbs (7)
lost to Roger Stroud (4) &
Bill Ironside (5)
Steve Dennis (4) &
Anne Dennis (8)
beat Jean Ball (4) &
David Ball (5)
Steve Dennis (4) lost to Jean Ball (4) 1-7
André Machell (4) lost to Roger Stroud (4) 5-7
Ron Hibbs (7) lost to Bill Ironside (5) 2-7
Anne Dennis (8) beat David Ball (5) 7-6
Steve Dennis (4) lost to Roger Stroud (4) 3-7
André Machell (4) lost to Jean Ball (4) 4-7
Ron Hibbs (7) lost to David Ball (5) 4-7
Anne Dennis (8) lost to Bill Ironside (5) 4-7
Steve Dennis (4) lost to Bill Ironside (5) 6-7
André Machell (4) beat David Ball (5) 7-4
Ron Hibbs (7) lost to Jean Ball (4) 4-7
Anne Dennis (8) lost to Roger Stroud (4) 3-7
Steve Dennis (4) lost to David Ball (5) 4-7
André Machell (4) lost to Bill Ironside (5) 5-7
Ron Hibbs (7) beat Roger Stroud (4) 7-3
Anne Dennis (8) beat Jean Ball (4) 7-5

Statistics (Watford players)
Name Singles
Kevin Connolly10-22-312-5
Stephen Webb6-23-09-2
George Skinner5-32-17-4
Eddie Chung3-11-04-1
Anne Dennis5-31-26-5
Larry Fisher4-42-26-6
Steve Dennis6-104-310-13
André Machell3-51-24-7
Ron Hibbs2-60-32-9

Final Area position: 3rd

Matches start at 10.00 am unless otherwise indicated.

See also:

Area winners:

EACF B-Level League Championship final

(Final between North & East and Central & West area winners)

All games: = Level Play
Date Opponents Venue Results (Watford names & scores first)
Sun 11 Sep (Other results)

Home WON 12-6 [hoops: 110 - 85](Net index points: +7)
David Hill (4) &
Nicola Hyde (5)
beat Judith Hand (4) &
Mick Fryer (6)
Peter Brock (3) &
Ian Moore (6)
beat John Skuse (4) &
Linda Murrell (11)
Peter Brock (3) beat John Skuse (4) 7-4
David Hill (4) lost to Judith Hand (4) 5-7
Nicola Hyde (5) beat Mick Fryer (6) 7-2
Ian Moore (6) beat Linda Murrell (11) 7-3
Peter Brock (3) lost to Judith Hand (4) 5-7
David Hill (4) lost to John Skuse (4) 3-7
Nicola Hyde (5) beat Linda Murrell (11) 7-6
Ian Moore (6) lost to Mick Fryer (6) 6-7
Peter Brock (3) beat Mick Fryer (6) 7-6
David Hill (4) lost to Linda Murrell (11) 4-7
Nicola Hyde (5) beat John Skuse (4) 7-3
Ian Moore (6) beat Judith Hand (4) 7-4
Peter Brock (3) beat Linda Murrell (11) 7-6
David Hill (4) lost to Mick Fryer (6) 3-7
Nicola Hyde (5) beat Judith Hand (4) 7-2
Ian Moore (6) beat John Skuse (4) 7-2

Statistics (Watford players)
Name Singles